MQTT auf dem Raspberry Pi und mit MicroPython auf der ESP-Familie - Teil 5 - AZ-Delivery

Attaching things that have already happened in the blog posts of this series. In retrospect, the following facts were explained and three MQTT clients were built. Here is a short compilation.

Figure 1: The node-red dashboard-interface to the real world

Image 1: The node-red dashboard interface to the real world

Today we want to deal with the protection of the data traffic, provided that this allows us the limited possibilities of the ESP8266. So welcome to the current episode:

5. Security in data transfer between ESP8266 and Mosquitto

The hardware and software, which are also required in this part, were listed and discussed in the previous episodes. Therefore, please use the links listed at the beginning for more information. In this post, in particular, are used in particular


  • The DHT client from the 2nd episode
  • The DS18B20 client from episode 3
  • A Raspberry Pi with Mosquitto and Node-Red installation from Episode 1
  • A PC with putty installation from Episode 1


To homework from the 4th episode

After the detailed presentation of the node-Red dashboard, there was homework. We will now look at their solution right from the start.

It begins with reading the status quo through the file DHT-client.json. It contains everything that was created in Node-Red on nodes and flows last time. After downloading into any directory, we open the file in an editor of our choice and copy it into the clipboard, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C.

We open a browser, for example, Chrome, and start our Raspi with Mosquitto and Node-Red. Do the two clients also run and In the browser we enter the address of the Raspi as URL, followed by port number 1880 for the call from Node-Red.

Figure 2: Start Node-Red

Image 2: Start Node-Red

About the menu, Let's start importing the JSON file's content from the clipboard.

Figure 3: import flow

Image 3: import flow

We copy the JSON code into the pink window and click on import.

Figure 4: The content of dhtclient.json is imported

Image 4: The content of dhtclient.json is imported

Because nodes are probably still in the memory from the last time, Node-Red brings the following message that we have with Import copy acknowledge.

Figure 5: Message in import

Image 5: Message in import

In Flow 1 we now see the nodes from the previous episode, once on the work surface and also in the side column under the rider info.

Figure 6: The flow from the 4th episode

Image 6: The flow from the 4th episode

First, let us have a new tab with the name Heating Create and Configure. We call up the display of the dashboard objects via the small triangle and create it by left click +Tab to the new tab that we edit immediately.

Figure 7: Show dashboard objects and create a new tab

Image 7: Show dashboard objects and create a new tab

Figure 8: Edit tab

Image 8: Edit tab

We give the name Heating To update the condition.

Figure 9: name new tab

Image 9: Name a new tab

In the new tab, we create two new groups, Temperatures, and Switch, which we also edit.

Figure 10: generate new groups in the heating tab

Image 10: generate new groups in the heating tab

Figure 11: Edit Group Temperatures

Image 11: Edit Group Temperatures

Similarly to the existing nodes, we define nodes for the recording of flow and return temperature, the display of which is determined by measuring instruments, as well as the operation and feedback of the switches. A double click on the nodes, as we know, opens the property window for processing.

The MQTT-Node has only a few properties.

Figure 12: MQTT-NODE heating flow temperature

Image 12: MQTT-NODE heating flow temperature

This is what the area with the newly created nodes now looks like.

Figure 13: The new nodes

Image 13: The new nodes

A few more settings are necessary when displaying the flow temperature.

Figure 14: Display flow temperature

Image 14: Display flow temperature

Corresponding property values ​​apply to the return. The properties of the two switches and their MQTT nodes are still missing.

Figure 15: Properties of the pump switch

Image 15: Properties of the pump switch

Figure 16: MQTT-NODE of the pump

Image 16: MQTT-NODE of the pump

The data of the switch for the burner is entered analogously. The new flow is ready.

Figure 17: The new flow is ready

Image 17: The new flow is ready

To publish we click on deploy And continue switching to the dashboard.

Figure 18: Correct dashboard layout

Image 18: Correct dashboard layout

The dashboard's presentation in the browser reveals a wrong arrangement of the nodes in the group switch. The positions of the lead and return are also not correct.

Figure 19: The switch arrangement is not correct

Image 19: The switch arrangement is not correct

We, therefore, switch into the layout view and make sure that the locks are open, then you can move the nodes (light blue fields) against each other. Then we click the locks so that nothing can change on its own.

Figure 20: Change arrangement by pushing

Image 20: Change arrangement by pushing

Now only the chart node for the warehouse cellar temperature is missing. We get it from the dashboard folder in the column to the left of the work surface and connect its input to the output of the MQTT node Cellar temperature.

Figure 21: Insert chart

Image 21: Insert chart

Double -click on chart opens the properties.

Figure 22: Edit chart node

Image 22: Edit chart node

The three horizontal lines hide the menu for switching between the tabs basement, cellar, and Heating.

Figure 23: Switching to the basement tab

Image 23: Switching to the basement tab

To secure work, we create a new JSON file via the menu item export.

Protection of the data transfer

Let us now turn to the topic of security. So far, each participant (or intruder) can send messages to the broker in our network or access them. We used this to test the clients from the command line of our Raspis. I send one thing ahead. An encrypted operation is unfortunately not possible with the ESP8266 Because this controller does not support client certificates and has too little memory. This means that all data, including passwords, are transmitted unencrypted. However, this should not be a problem in the local network. In addition, there is still the possibility to send the payload of the messages in plain text but to send it according to your own encryption methods and decode accordingly.

Even without TLS, we will now regulate the access to Mosquito Strict rules by introducing user password pairs and also drawing access rules in a so-called Access Control List (ACL).

For these purposes, I opened two Windows terminals as an SSH connection via Putty. You can also work in terminals directly on the Raspi.

We first take care of the users who are supposed to register with a password to Mosquitto. We could do every user and by that I mean each of our clients, dhtclient, heating, and monitor, as well as the chief user, named master, Lay individually by hand. However, it has advantages to create a file with this data if it is several users.

So we switch to the directory in which this file mosquitto_users.txt should arise.

CD /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
sudo nano mosquitto_users.txt

The following lines are recorded as text. You can of course name the users differently and assign any passwords to them, but The last line must not receive a line feed!

Figure 24: User access file

Image 24: User access file

Then we save the file (Ctrl+O) and end the editor (Ctrl+X). I strongly recommend creating a backup copy from this file. I will tell you the reason for this.

CP mosquitto_users.txt mosquitto_users.txt.sic

Mosquitto expects the passwords in encrypted form. The conversion from the readable form into a hash does the following line.

sudo mosquitto_passwd -U /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_users.txt

Then our file looks like this.

cat mosquitto_users.txt



In the event that you want to change a password, you can still fall back on the original file in the backup in order to overwrite the original file, carry out the changes, secure it, and then trigger the description again. Adding users can be handled similarly. You can also add individual users by hand.

sudo mosquitto_passwd /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_users.txt Doorbell

This command adds the user's Doorbell and asks for a password for him. With the option -D you remove a user.

sudo mosquitto_passwd -D /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_users.txt Doorbell

It is not advisable to replace a password hash in the file with a new plain text password and then transcribe the file again. The command mosquitto_passwd -u Do not differentiate between plain text passwords and already encrypted ones. Hashes are encrypted again in the procedure. As a result, the file becomes unusable and no more access to the broker is possible.

Next, we will teach Mosquitto via his Conf-file about now only to let us know well-known users. We copy the existing configuration file to the new one, circle the existing and edit the new one.

sudo CP -a 010-listener anonymous.conf 020-Restricted.conf
sudo MV 010-listener anonymous.conf 010-listener anonymous.conf.old
sudo nano 020-Restricted.conf

Figure 25: New Mosquitto Config file

Image 25: New Mosquitto Config file

The config directory now contains the following files.

LS -lisa


in total 28
258560 4 DrwxR-XR-X 2 Root root 4096 30. Dec 22:18 .
258554 4 DrwxR-XR-X 5 Root root 4096  5. Dec 06:07 ..
265774 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 Root root 35  4. Dec 19:14 010-listener anonymous.conf.old
258110 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 Root root 91 30. Dec 17:46 020-Restricted.conf
258108 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 Root root607 30. Dec 20: 11 mosquitto_users.txt
258561 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 Root root142  9. Jun 2021 Reap

Incidentally, Mosquitto allows the succession of several Conf files in the /etc/mosquitto/conf.d. The numbers as a prefix then control the order of the processing at the start, similar to how it happens with the links in the /etc/rcx.d directories when booting the system.

So that our clients can now contact the broker, they have to authenticate themselves when contacting them. The corresponding lines are complemented accordingly.

    client = MQttclient(myid, mymqttserver, user="monitor",\

    client = MQttclient(myid, mymqttserver, user="heating",\

    client = MQttclient(myid, mymqttserver, user="heating",\

Authentication must also take place when testing the system via a terminal.

mosquitto_pub -t "Heating/pump" -m "at" -u "master" -P "4R5T6Z"

Anyone who can drive a car can also get into a bus, but it is far from being said that he can drive it. So let's go one step further. So that not everyone who registers on the system can do everything, we will now introduce access restrictions that work similarly to driver's license classes.

So we create the file access.txt, which we fill with the following content.

sudo nano access.txt
# Access list
# all duherfen nothing at all
Topic Deny #

# Rights of the individual clients
User dhtclient
Topic Read Keller/fan
topic write Cellar/temperature
topic write Keller/humidity
topic write Keller/fan/done

User heating
Topic Read heating/pump
Topic Read heating/machine
topic write Heating/lead
topic write Heating/Ruecklauf
topic write Heating/pump/company
topic write Heating/machine/company

user monitor
Topic Read heating/#
Topic Read Keller/#
topic write Heating/pump
topic write Heating/machine
topic write cellar/fan

User Master
Topic Readwrite #

What does that mean? Well, the dhtclient If the measured values, temperature, and moist publishers are allowed, can also announce the switch position. However, he may also receive the requirement for the switch position.

heating may receive the switch actions and publish the switch position and the temperature values ​​of the in front and return.

monitor reads all publications of dhtclient and heating And can switch the circulation pump, the burner, and the fan in the storage cellar.

Of course, the boss needs a named master, for monitoring and control as well as manually testing all the necessary rights.

We also make these ACLs known to the Mosquitto broker.

sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/020-restricted.conf
listener 1883
password_file /mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto_users.txt
Allow_anonymous false
acl_file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/zufrang.txt

The changed software for the clients:

is in their Delivered and uploaded - restart with reset.

Mosquitto is also restarted.

sudo systemctl remaining start mosquitto

And so that Node-Red can have a say, the dashboard app also needs general rights. So we have to be our flow as master Let them log in.

Figure 26: Node-Red applet with authentication data

Image 26: Node-Red applet with authentication data

Double-click on the Broker Node and opens its property box. On the security map, we give the credentials for master a - To update

Figure 27: Credentials for the user Master

Image 27: Credentials for the user Master

Provide flow - deploy.

Ready for the test? Let's go! Let's switch to the dashboard window. In both tabs, the values ​​must now be re-enacted every 5 seconds. The relays on the clients must be controlled from the web interface and the feedback via the switch positions must be output. If everything works in accordance with the request, follow pleasant back now.

This post is also available as a PDF document for download.


In the next episode, it is still possible in the series "Server and Clients under Micropython on the Raspi and the ESP family" A front doorbell of a different kind. Of course, this project is also integrated into the MQTT family. This results in an application that not only announces visitors but also logs along day and time and ... became curious until the next time.

Esp-32Esp-8266Projekte für fortgeschritteneSensorenSmart home

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