AZ-Envy Wlan ESP8266-12F environmental development board with humidity and air quality sensor (MQ-2 and SHT30) compatible with Arduino

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Sale price£9.00

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✔️ The AZ-Envy from AZ-Delivery, with its very efficient components, offers the perfect basis for a mobile weather station or a portable gas detector!
✔️ With the smallest available 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi SoC module, the AZ-Envy offers the best performance in the smallest space and can be integrated quickly and easily into every project.
✔️ Simply set up a network with your AZ-Envy or integrate it into an existing network.
✔️ Azdelivery's all-in-one module provides you with highly accurate measurement results for temperature, humidity, ambient gas and air quality!

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AZ-Envy is a board based on the ESP8266-12F based developer board, especially for the easy entry into the world of IoT.

The board offers a wide range of applications for makers, hobbyists and engineers, such as use as a weather station with data transfer to Google Firebase, gas meter, mold protection, garden house monitoring and much more.

  • Measurement of temperature (° C) and humidity (%)
  • Measurement of ambient gases and air quality in ppm
  • Variable power supply from 3V to 11V via micro USB
  • Programming via FT232RL interface

ESP8266-12F chip:

  • 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi SOC module with low-power 32-bit CPU (standby 0.02mA) and with up to 160MHz clock frequency
  • built-in high-precision 10-bit ADC 
  • Programmable via an FT232RL interface

MQ-2 sensor:

  • Increase in conductivity with increased gas concentration
  • Thanks to its high sensitivity, ideal for use as a domestic gas leak detector, as a portable gas detector or for measuring combustible gases
  • Long service life and low costs

SHT30 temperature and humidity sensor:

  • Relative humidity accuracy ±2%
  • Temperature accuracy ±0.2°C
  • 14 bit measurement resolution
  • I2C interface (connected to SDA and SCL)

The micro USB socket of the AZ-Envy is used for the power supply. To program the microcontroller chip, you need a separately available USB to serial adapter such as our FT232RL module.

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