AZ-Visual - ESP8266-12F development board with temperature, humidity and ambient light sensor (SHT30 and LDR) + OLED display 0.91"

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Sale price£12.00

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✔️ The AZ visual of AZ-Delivery provides the perfect foundation for any DIY project due to its unique form factor and easy way to implement a variety of projects
✔️ With the smallest 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi SOC module available, the ESP8266, the AZ visual offers the best performance in a small footprint and can be quickly and easily integrated into any project.
✔️ The All-In-One Development Board of AZ-Delivery provides you with highly accurate measurement results on temperature, humidity and relative ambient brightness thanks to the unique sensor combination
✔️ The AZ-Visual is the unique possibility to implement a variety of projects quickly and without the need for soldering, to network them intelligently through connectivity and to visualize them on an OLED

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With the help of this versatile board a variety of interesting DIY projects can be implemented easily and effectively. A large number of interfaces to the outside world, combined with a powerful combination of sensorsconsisting of Temperature, humidity and ambient light sensor (SHT30 and LDR) can be used in conjunction with the built-in OLED display can fulfill a wide range of requirements.

This WiFi-enabled microcontroller board is able to measure temperature, humidity and brightness. In addition, a variety of visualizations on the OLED display which, together with the free GPIO pinsthis results in a variety of interesting combination possibilities. In addition to the possible battery operationthe programming and operation of the board is very simple via a Micro-USB interface. The product offers beginners in particular, or for projects with a small budget and tight schedule, a simple way to realize what is planned.


  • Sensor technology for temperature, humidity and brightness
  • Supply voltage from 2.4 V to 5.5 V on the battery pin or via Micro-USB
  • On-board OLED display for quick and easy prototyping
  • Network integration through WLAN chipset (ESP12F)
  • Programming without FTDI adapter (CH340C) via the micro-USB connection
  • TX/RX LED on the board (visualization during upload)
  • freely usable GPIOs with labeling on the board
  • small form factor only 50mm in diameter


SHT30-DIS-B - Temperature and humidity sensor expansion board

Humidity and temperature sensor in a tiny 8-pin DFN package. Characterized by advanced signal processing, two different and user selectable I2C addresses and communication speeds of up to 1MHz.

  • Fully calibrated, linearized and temperature compensated digital output
  • Typical accuracy of +-1.5 % (humidity) and +- 0.1 °C (temperature)


LDR GL5549 - Ambient light sensor

Analog sensor with two photoconductive cadmium sulphide (cdS) cells and a spectral sensitivity similar to the human eye. Due to the increasing cell resistance with increasing brightness, it is possible to measure a relative brightness level.

  • Very high reliability due to epoxy coating
  • Fast response due to good spectral properties

The board is primarily designed for use in development environments in which fast and efficient prototyping is required. Thanks to the unique combination of sensors, an OLED display and a versatile microcontroller, the variety of projects are possible.


Project ideas could be, for example

  • Weather station (indoor/outdoor)
  • Ambient light sensor that automatically switches devices on via Wifi and

displays the status on the OLED display

  • Sensor station with connection to a cloud dashboard
  • ...

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